Muhammad’s world is full of possibility

Muhammad’s world is full of possibility

14-year-old Muhammad with autism has a loving and supportive family who do everything they can to provide him a meaningful happy life and completely support him to attend mainstream school. However, his mother Najia couldn’t help but feel that her son was capable of so much more. She was resolved to take every opportunity to enable Muhammad to flourish in life.

When Najia heard of Al Jalila Foundation’s Ta’alouf Parents Training Program, which enables parents of children of determination to gain life-changing skills to enhance their children’s unique abilities, she signed up immediately.

The Ta’alouf program allowed Najia to gain a great deal more confidence to present better opportunities to Muhammad and strengthened her skills and ability to apply them daily.

Thanks to Najia’s knowledge and nurturing she has watched her son blossom before her eyes. Muhammad has significantly progressed in his self-control of emotions, movement and sound which is demonstrated by his increased confidence with eye contact and improved concentration. In addition to this she is noticing that Muhammad is gaining more self-reliance by self-actioning and has become far more articulate and expressive during discussions.

Najia is delighted with the positive changes, “There is a lot of ambiguity around autistic children, but we as a family are determined to learn how to be the best support for Muhammad. A child with autism is a beautiful person who only needs his surrounding world to highlight the beauty within him. Thank you, Al Jalila Foundation, for your tireless pursuit to serve children of determination.”