Hajra’s heart is whole again

Hajra’s heart is whole again

Hajra was born with a life-threatening heart defect and needed urgent open-heart surgery to mend her heart and give her a chance at a brighter future.

Hajra is the only child to her parents who have called the UAE home for 9 years. Unfortunately, they were distressed and overwhelmed as they were unable to support the cost of this life-saving operation for their daughter. However, thanks to Al Jalila Foundation A’awen program, and the community that rallied together to raise the necessary funds on the A’awen Giving website, Hajra was able to undergo the open-heart surgery successfully.

The doctors are very happy with Hajra’s improvements as she was doing very well despite her complex heart surgery. Her heart is in good condition and she is even expected to make a full recovery and be off cardiac medication in a few months.

Her parents cannot express enough gratitude for the support they received, “We want to offer our sincere appreciation to Al Jalila Foundation and all of the donors who helped us to get the critical surgery for our precious daughter. This was her real chance of a healthy future and through A’awen Giving you made it happen so that Hajra can grow up happy and strong by our side.”