Converting our ambitions into an everyday reality

Converting our ambitions into an everyday reality

Our foundation is embarking on a strategy to facilitate vital medical treatment, provide scholarships to exceptional students and fund groundbreaking research. This may sound very ambitious, but that is because the UAE is a very ambitious nation.

Our strategy for converting these ambitions into a reality revolves around dedicating specific areas of focus for each year. This is because the medical field is so broad that we cannot conceivably tackle all the major challenges at once.

We will go the extra mile to facilitate treatment for those who need it most. On the academic side, we are confident that our country has the inventive and inquisitive young minds who can become tomorrow’s medical pioneers. Now it is a question of discovering and nurturing these talents through scholarships and other motivations. In research, we intend to both initiate and reward outstanding research that could yield tangible benefits in our everyday lives.

The ever-evolving nature of the medical field means we cannot at any stage declare: “Mission Accomplished”. However, we hope to do justice to the support we receive, and together we will celebrate each milestone as it comes.

Dr Raja Easa Saleh Al Gurg
Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Member of the Board of Trustees